How to Compete with Other Competitors


Intersoft located near to KTM commuter station. There are no difficulties to reach our location. Our location also near to the LRT station. So, there are no reasons to reach our tuition centre to register as student.


The deposit as lowest as RM50 per package. Intersoft Tuition Centre offered many promotions to their students such as 10% discount for high school graduated/diploma/degree/career people package and 10 % discount for first 20 registrations every year.


Experienced trainer which are full time trainer that will give full commitment on teaching.


The most effective media in promoting our business that our company does are radio, internet, bench/bus/subways ads and flyers and magazines and papers. The main objective of promotion to let the publics know more about our service provided. Public will know the serviced that provided throung listening to the radios, reading news papers and magazines, searching in internet and read from flyers that distributed. Customer also can get information about Intersoft Tuition Center through email and blog.

The priced for every package offered are lower compared to the other competitors. For example, our tuition offered AutoCAD course with RM500 for total hours 16. But Waiz Sdn Bhd offered RM1890 for the same course and total hours.